Due to inclement weather, all locations will be closed January 1, 2024.

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my chart logo. heart inside of file folder

School-Based Health Center

Our goal is to provide a medical home for the students of Gateway Regional School District.

At Gateway School-Based Health Center (SBHC) you can have your child seen by a medical professional in a comfortable school environment, without the inconvenience of missing school. Having your child seen at the SBHC means that your child will not have to leave school or miss a lot of classroom time for a medical appointment and parents will not have to miss work and spend valuable time and money transporting him or her to medical, mental health or nutrition appointments.

School Based Health Center banner

What Services are provided?

  • Immunizations
  • Physical exams
  • Emergency care
  • First Aid
  • Prescriptions
  • Mental Health Counseling
  • Nutrition Counseling
  • Optometry Services
  • Treatment of illnesses
  • Rapid in house testing
a mom sits at a table in front of a laptop, her young daughter sits on her lap. she smiles at her young son who is talking to the person on the computer.

Our medical staff is available for medical appointments Monday through Friday 7:30-3:00pm at the Gateway Regional school complex during the school year.

The medical staff is also available at HCHC’s Huntington Health center and Worthington Health Center during school breaks and summer hours; and is available to be your primary care provider. This makes the continuity of care possible throughout the year. The providers see patients for a wide range of medical visits, including but not limited to routine physicals, same day sick visits, strep testing, colds, flu vaccines or playground mishaps.

We have behavioral health specialists available for all of your child’s behavioral health needs a Gateway SBHC Monday – Friday and they also hold office hours at the Huntington Health Center.

Our nutritionist, Joanna Martin is available on Wednesdays from 8:00am-3:00pm.

Our Optometrist Kimberly Krusell is available Fridays from 8:00-1:00.

Gateway School Based Health Center can be your child’s primary care provider. If your child’s primary care provider is not affiliated with the Huntington or Worthington Health Centers we will work with your child’s physician to coordinate medical care.

To enroll in the School-Based Health Center, complete and return the enrollment packet that was sent home at the beginning of the year, you may also call and we will send one to you or download the enrollment form. If you are enrolling your child in the eye care program, please download this permission form. You can return your child’s paperwork in the following ways:

  • Mail them back to us at Gateway School Based Health Center, 12 Littleville Road, Huntington MA, 01050
  • Fax them at 413-667-0145
  • Email them at schoolbasedprograms@hchcweb.org
  • Drop them off at any one of our HCHC sites

Please be sure to include your signature on the front and the back of the enrollment form and a copy of your child’s insurance card.

Enrolled students may schedule appointments by coming into the SBHC during school hours, or parents may call us to directly by calling the administrative assistant at (413) 667-0142. Parents and guardians are not required to be present for appointments but they are welcome to come with their child and are invited to be present during their child’s annual routine exam.

We accept most insurance. We can also help families inquire about medical insurance coverage. No student will be denied service for inability to pay.

The Gateway School-Based Health Center will adhere to all Massachusetts laws including those related to confidentiality of medical services. We will continue to work to bring innovative programs to the Gateway Community through funding from the Massachusetts Department of Public Health and special grants.

Young man in face mask talking to unrecognizable doctor

Gateway School-Based Health Center Staff:

  • Sheri Cheung, MD
  • Brenda Jaeger-Chaloux, FNP
  • Anne fine, FNP
  • David Bjorklund, LCSW
  • Franny Huberman, LCSW
  • Leah King, LCSW
  • Joanna Martin, Registered Dietician
  • Kimberly Krusell, Optometrist
  • Lisa Lynch, CMA / Administrative Assistant
  • Stefanie Sudyka, MA. Administrative Assistant
  • Kiirsten Cooper, School Based Programs Manager

View our School-Based Health Center brochure here!

No Gateway Regional School District funds are used for this program. If you have any questions please feel free to contact us at (413) 667-0142 or by email at this link.

We’d like your feedback!

We encourage your feedback regarding the care you’re receiving. Please help us make sure we’re meeting your needs and let us know what you’d like to see improved. Please take a minute to share your experiences at HCHC.

Request an Appointment

To make an appointment, please call (413) 238-5511 or complete the form below:

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

We're Moving

Our Community Programs will be relocating from 9 Russell Road to our health center locations. Starting August 1, our Community Health Workers and Insurance Navigators will serve all patients and clients in the Huntington, Worthington, and Amherst health centers. This move will help better serve you and your family.

If you have questions, please call: