Health Access Program & Health Insurance Navigation
Do you need health or dental insurance? Do you need help understanding the insurance you do have? Need to renew MassHealth? Got a letter you don’t understand? Allow our Health Access Program and certified Hilltown Navigators to simplify the process.
The Health Access Program facilitates health care access, education, and outreach and enrollment in health insurance. The Health Access Program has certified Navigators on staff to help you figure out your health and dental insurance options, apply for and enroll in free, low-cost, and affordable health insurance through the Massachusetts state marketplace. Two of our Navigators are also a SHINE counselors who can help you understand and enroll in Medicare supplements and Extra Help. Navigators are trained on the Affordable Care Act and the Massachusetts health insurance marketplace and are happy to answer any questions you have.
We can help you find a primary care provider, access affordable health care services, as well as understand how to best use your health insurance.
Do you need to submit a new application or renew? We can fill out the application with you, helping to ensure it gets processed correctly.
Never had insurance? Recently uninsured? We can tell you about your options.
Having a hard time affording your health insurance? We might be able to save you money!
Give our Navigators a call. All services are free! We have offices in Huntington and Worthington.

A Navigator or SHINE Counselor can help with:
- Medicare, Medicare supplements
- MassHealth & Health Safety Net applications and issues
- Massachusetts Health Connector & ConnectorCare applications and issues
- Understanding health insurance and notices you receive
- Figuring out your health and dental insurance options
- Recommend documents required to apply
- Explain the steps for a successful enrollment into a health insurance plan
- Share tips on how to avoid losing your health insurance coverage
Navigators are also available to help patients apply for HCHC’s sliding fee scale discount program. For more information click here.
All services are free!
Contact one of our navigators today for an appointment. Call 413-667-2203 option 3 or email by clicking here for more information or to schedule an appointment. There is a SHINE/Medicare Counselor also available for your convenience.
You can also visit Hilltown Navigators on Facebook at or follow us on Twitter @HCHCNavigators for regular health insurance updates and reminders.