Due to inclement weather, all locations will be closed January 1, 2024.

News & Events


Come join in a collaborative talk about social media. The event will be on Tuesday, April 30th at 6 PM in the Performing Arts Center at Gateway Regional High School, located at 12 Littleville Rd in Huntington. Opening with a screening of the film ‘Screenagers’, followed by a panel discussion and Q &A. Panelists will give a short overview of their subject matter area and then participate in the Q&A, facilitated for ~ 30 minutes. The panel questions will be centered around 5 key areas: Social Media and Video Games; Laws and Prevention strategies; Brain Science; Schools; and Solutions. On the panel will be two representatives from the Northwestern District Attorney’s office, Middle School/ High School Assistant Principal Deanna LeBlanc, Senior Grace LeBarron, Julia Goncalves from SBHC and Steph Conway representing the Southern Hilltowns Domestic Violence Task Force.

We’d like your feedback!

We encourage your feedback regarding the care you’re receiving. Please help us make sure we’re meeting your needs and let us know what you’d like to see improved. Please take a minute to share your experiences at HCHC.

Request an Appointment

To make an appointment, please call (413) 238-5511 or complete the form below:

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We're Moving

Our Community Programs will be relocating from 9 Russell Road to our health center locations. Starting August 1, our Community Health Workers and Insurance Navigators will serve all patients and clients in the Huntington, Worthington, and Amherst health centers. This move will help better serve you and your family.

If you have questions, please call: