Specialty: Behavioral Health Clinician – Weight Management Program
Board Certification or Licensing: MA Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker; CA Licensed Clinical Social Worker; CA Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist
Location: Worthington, Huntington, Remote
Education Background and Year Degree(s) was Completed: San Francisco State University, Masters of Science, Clinical Psychology (1992); San Francisco State University, Masters of Social Work (1999), Smith College School for Social Work, Doctorate in Clinical Social Work (2019)
Languages: English
Professional Interests: Individual Therapy, Couples Therapy, Family Therapy, Psychodynamic Therapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Trauma-Informed Therapy, Weight Management/Body Image Therapy; Grief/Loss; specialty in LGBTQ+ and BIPOC Communities
Care Team Members: Behavioral Health Team
Bio: Nichole works with adults in the HCHC Weight Management Program to support them in developing and maintaining healthy eating habits in the context of a caring relationship with their bodies. Nichole helps patients explore their historical and current complex relationship with food and its use as a coping mechanism. Nichole also offers support to patients to address their unique barriers to wellness. Nichole specializes in helping clients address unresolved trauma(s), grief/loss, low self-esteem, poor body image, as well as to understand the impact of societal expectations and influences on body size, shape, and weight.
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